how-to-tame-frizzy-hair Ever question why your hair starts too look not its best when you have lost a few nights sleep? It should not come as a surprise, that sleep deprivation has the same effects on hair as it has on skin. Lack of sleep and irregular sleep patterns can cause thinning hair, dull hair and overall hair loss. Is lack of sleep the direct cause of hair loss? No. What causes our hair loss is the stress our bodies go through when we do not receive enough rest. When our body does not receive an adequate amount of sleep, our immune system begins to decline. We also experience hormonal imbalances that can result in thinning hair and overall hair loss. Many of us experience temporary hair loss during times of extreme stress and never truly realize what the cause is. The good news is that it can be remedied very easily. Once your body starts to feel healthier and rested your hormone levels begin to level out and your immune system will improve. All these changes will promote healthy hair regrowth. Do keep in mind that going up and down with these sleep cycles is not healthy. After a while of experiencing these extreme stages of unhealthy eating, rest and overall high stress it will become more difficult to regain your hair's health. We always suggest making sure you maintain certain practices to help your hair and body make it through these high stress periods. First and foremost always make sure you are hydrated. Drink plenty of water. Try to exercise at least 3 times a week. Even something as simple as a brisk walk will help you feel better and get some fresh oxygen into your system. Take a daily multivitamin. Vitamins, which include vitamin E and biotin, are great for hair and skin. Lastly try to catch up o lost sleep on the weekends. Remember, hair loss can be a sign of greater issues with your body. We cannot control stress in our lives, but we certainly can try to alleviate it when it comes on.